Weekly Pool Maintenance

Weekly Pool Maintenance

Pool Service in Chandler AZ

pool service chandler arizona
weekly pool maintance

Your family pool is a critical element of fun and activities here in Chandler. We know that and want to ensure it's available as much as possible. No one wants to sit and watch an empty pool that wasn't properly maintained. That's why our priority here at Chandler Pool Service Pro is to keep it running as many weeks in the summer as possible.

Plus we offer different budget options depending on what you want for service.

With our team in charge of maintaining and cleaning your pool, we handle:

  • Skimming your pool to remove debris, sticks, leaves and other objects floating
  • Brushing the walls, tile cleaning to help minimize calcium build-up
  • Vacuum and backwash as needed
  • Clean your skimmer basket
  • Inspect your major equipment (pump, basket, filter, motor, etc.)
  • Test chemical levels in the pool
  • Adjust pH level if needed with chemicals
  • Salt cell cleaning if needed
  • Cartridge filter maintenance

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